2007 Award for Excellence in Genealogy

The 2010 Award for Excellence in Genealogy
March 22, 2016
2008 Award for Excellence in Genealogy
April 3, 2016
2008 Award for Excellence in Genealogy
April 3, 2016
The 2010 Award for Excellence in Genealogy
March 22, 2016

Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive was the first recipient of CIGO’s Award for Excellence in Genealogy

At its 2007 AGM CIGO announced that Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive (DCPLA) would be the first recipient of its new Award. It was clear to the Council that DCPLA has in recent years excelled in the promotion of genealogy and the accommodation of genealogists. The Library’s facilities and archival & printed collections at the library in Pearse Street have over the past number of years greatly encouraged the study of genealogy. Further, CIGO also recognises DCPLA’s pioneering work in creating its innovative new database of historic Dublin city electoral rolls, which has made these underused records more accessible than ever before.

On the Award being made to DCPLA, Deirdre Ellis-King, Dublin City Librarian, said: “I would like to thank CIGO for their confidence in bestowing their Award for Excellence in Genealogy on Dublin City Library and Archive in Pearse Street. Our aim is to provide excellent service by making our materials as accessible as possible in the user-focused ambiance of the Research Reading Room. We are very pleased with this recognition, and intend to continue with excellence in family history resource provision in the future.”