Why should you join CIGO?

As a representative organisation, CIGO represents the several thousand individual members that comprise its constituent organisations - both in Ireland and overseas.

Since 1992, CIGO has developed a reservoir of knowledge and expertise in foreseeing, assessing and focusing upon the ongoing issues and problems facing genealogical organisations.We have developed a wide range of contacts with relevant bodies and individuals and this enables us to easily become involved at the planning stages of projects that might impact upon genealogists.

We are always conscious of the need to increase our membership both in Ireland and overseas. Your organisation can benefit from access to this knowledge and from the opportunity to make its views known in a forum where they can have real meaning and impact.

In order to give organisations based outside of Dublin a voice at the meetings we have set up a dedicated contact point through which members’ views can be channelled. A designated member of Council will be available to liase by electronic means with a nominated member from each non-attending member organisation. This will ensure that the views of all member organisations will be heard.

How To Join

As an umbrella group for family history and genealogical organisations membership is not open to individuals. We welcome applications to join from all family history and genealogical organisations involved in Irish research, no matter how large or small.

Two categories of membership are available, as follows:

  • Full membership: Open to organisations based on the island of Ireland.
  • Associate membership: Open to organisations based in Ireland or overseas.

  • Full members may have up to two representatives on Council and exercise full voting rights. The annual subscription is just €20. Associate organisations can be represented on Council by one non-voting member; if they are unable to attend meetings a member of Council with special responsibilities for Associate members will communicate their views and will be available to liase with such members. There is no annual subscription for Associate membership.

    Any organisation interested in joining CIGO should contact the Secretary by e-mail: info@cigo.ie