Council Members

Rosaleen Underwood

Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI)


Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) – formerly the Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland (APGI) acts as an accrediting and regulating body for genealogists throughout the island of Ireland. Its main functions are to maintain high standards amongst its members and to protect their clients. It has always supported the interests of all those researching family history and to that end has maintained active membership of CIGO since its foundation.

AGI members are drawn from every part of Ireland and represent a wide variety of interests and expertise. The ongoing involvement of individual members in lecturing and publishing maintains AGI’s position at the forefront of genealogical developments in Ireland.

To be eligible for membership an applicant must have practised as a professional genealogist for not less than one year full-time or two years part-time; must be resident in Ireland and conducting all or most of his / her genealogical work in Irish records; and must not be employed at any full-time occupation other than that of a professional genealogist.

Membership is granted after an applicant’s quality of work is approved by an independent Board of Assessors. In addition, members of AGI are bound by its Code of Practice.

Rosaleen Underwood

Rosaleen works as a professional genealogist having studied for the Certificate in Genealogy, and later for the Diploma in Genealogy, both at University College Dublin. In 2005, she was accepted as a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland, now Accredited Genealogists Ireland. She joined the Irish Genealogical Research Society (IGRS) in 1997, became a member of its Ireland Branch committee in 2000, and is active in other genealogical societies as well. She served on the sub-committee responsible for the Congress Exhibition at the 4th Irish Genealogical Congress, held at Trinity College, Dublin, in September 2001. She has a keen interest in Social History and Local History, as well as surnames and personal names, and everything Cork.

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Rosaleen works as a professional genealogist having studied at UCD.

Della Kyne

Blessington Family History Society

The bio of Della is on the way.

Blessington Family History Society:

Established: 1998

The Society was founded following a successful series of lectures which stimulated interest in family and local history. Since its formation the Society has published Blessington Now and Then, Here and There (2002) which includes studies on Blessington’s landowning families. Individual members have also published books: The Four Stone Tree: a history of Blessington by Vincent Byrne ( 2003), The Blessington Estate 1667-1908 by Kathy Trant (Anvil Books, 2004), and a video A Journey Through West Wicklow by Julie and Maureen Phibbs (West Wicklow Films, 2004).

In 2006, the Society transcribed and indexed a copy of the Blessington Roman Catholic parish registers for the years 1819 -1852 as well as the local Church of Ireland register. A survey of the old graveyard at Manor Kilbride was also made and details published. The transcripts and graveyard survey are available in Blessington local Library. In early 2008 members of the Society worked on a project at Russborough House. A collection of old photographs were discovered in the basement. These had been photographed by Sir Alfred Beit throughout his lifetime and a couple of hundred glass negatives were cleaned and recorded. A small selection of these in 3D is on view daily in the restored cinema in the basement at Russborough House.

The AGM takes place on the third Thursday of February. Lectures organised by the Society are generally held on the third Thursday of the months of March, April, May, October and November in The Coimin Centre, Blessington.

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The Society was founded following a successful series of lectures which stimulated interest in family and local history

Aileen Wynne

Clare Roots Society

Clare Roots Society

The Clare Roots Society, the brainchild of local Ennisman Larry Brennan, was formed in April 2006. Larry placed letters in the local press to see if there was sufficient interest to form such a Group in Clare, and about 25 people turned up at the initial meeting. That meeting was addressed by Paul O'Donnell of the Western Family History Association, which has been flourishing for years. Since then, the society has met once a month, except during the summer months, and by 2010 it had over 100 members. Some members are experienced genealogists while others are novices in the field.

In addition to local members, we have some 'virtual' or diaspora members who live overseas, but who follow our activities via email, and dream that they are in Clare! The society works in partnership with Clare County Library in order to add to the wonderful fund of genealogical information already available on its website. The current committee is listed here. Society meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 8pm, in the Old Ground Hotel, Ennis.

We have had a number of major transcription projects to date, including Drumcliffe Cemetery in Ennis, rural graveyards in Co Clare, biographical notices from the Clare Champion (1903-1934) and transcription of the old Ennis National School rollbooks 1898-1952. The biggest project we have undertaken is the publication of a number of books pertaining to the streets of Ennis and other areas in Co. Clare.

Clare Roots Society has organised major international family history conferences in Ennis in 2011, 2013 and 2016

Aileen Wynne

Aileen has been working on her family history and genealogy for over 20 years. She completed the Certificate in Genealogy/Family History in 2004 and was awarded a diploma in Genealogy from U.C.D in 2006. She joined Clare Roots Society in 2011 and has been member of the committee since 2014.

A mainframe systems programmer for over 18 years as a ‘day job’, Aileen has many and varied hobbies outside of work. She has been a member of AIB Toastmasters for over 18 years, representing the club at area and division level. When not hunting dead people she can be found ‘shooting dancers’ as the official photographer for DanceSportIreland. She is also involved in various other genealogical and historical societies.

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Aileen has been working on her family history and genealogy for over 20 years.

Paddy Waldron

Clare Roots Society

Paddy Waldron

Paddy has been an enthusiastic genealogist from an early age. While lecturing at Trinity College, he began to publish information on Irish genealogy on the College website in 1994. That evolved through a student group project and collaboration with John Grenham and The Irish Times into the Irish Ancestors website. Around the same time he encouraged his friend Fiona Fitzsimons, then a history postgraduate, to set up an online genealogical research business.

That enterprise has since evolved into Eneclann, of which Paddy serves as a non-executive director. Paddy has lectured widely on his own genealogical research and on research methodology and has published his genealogical work (as Padraig Óg de Bhaldraithe) in journals ranging from the Old Limerick Journal to the Ballyguiltenane Rural Journal. Full details are on his personal website.

He now lives on the Clare/Tipperary border. He was a founding member of the Clare Roots Society in April 2006 and has worked as a genealogist available to help guests at The Lodge at Doonbeg. He served as Chairman of CIGO for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 and was elected as chairman of Clare Roots Society in September 2013.

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He was a founding member of the Clare Roots Society in April 2006

Ken Ryan

Huguenot Society

Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland - Ireland Branch

A large number of Huguenot Societies have been established around the world to further interest in the Huguenots and to keep their story alive. The Irish Section of the ‘Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland’ was set up in 1987 to collect information about – and to further interest in – Huguenots and their history – and in particular, the history of those who took refuge in Ireland.

The Irish Section arranges a programme of events each year, holding lectures, seminars, walks and visits to Huguenot-related venues. Regular Newsletters are also issued to members and our Annual General Meeting is held each year around May/June. Members of the Irish Section also receive a copy of the The Huguenot Society Journal and other Huguenot-related materials which are produced in London for the wider membership of the ‘Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland’.

Ken Ryan

Ken is not sure which came first; an interest in the history and theology of the Huguenots or the belief that he was of Huguenot descent. It may not have been until 2007, when he began to do research, that he discovered that the reference to a Huguenot ancestor in his family was to an ancestor of a grand aunt. His interest in the Huguenots took a significant step forward in the early 1990’s, following attendance at several talks on Church History given by the late Pastor Robert Dunlop, formerly of Brannockstown Baptist Church, Co Kildare.

This interest took a further major step forward following visits to the Reformation Museum and associated 100 meter-long International Reformation Monument in Geneva in the years 1994 and 1996. The monument was erected to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the birth of John Calvin (1609) and the 350th Anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Geneva (1659).

It was whilst sorting out dozens and dozens of photos in 1998, that Ken realised that that year was the 400th Anniversary of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. This led him to join the Huguenot Society later that year. He has served as Hon Treasurer and Chairman of the Irish Section. This shows that one does not need to have a ‘Huguenot’ surname or be of Huguenot descent to join and serve the Society.

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Ken is not sure which came first; an interest in the history and theology of the Huguenots or the belief that he was of Huguenot descent.

Linda Clayton

Irish Genealogical Research Society

IGRS - Ireland Branch

Founded in 1936, the Irish Genealogical Research Society (IGRS) is the world's oldest society dedicated to the pursuit of Irish genealogy. Its aims are to encourage and promote the study of Irish genealogy throughout Britain & Ireland and the world and to collect books and manuscripts of genealogical value. During the seventy-five years that have passed since its foundation, the Society's library now contains the largest and most important collection of Irish genealogical manuscripts in private hands. A number contain priceless transcripts and abstracts noted before the originals were destroyed in the conflagration which consumed the Irish public records in June 1922.

Membership is open to all, worldwide, who have an interest in Irish genealogy and family history. The Ireland Branch was established in 1967 at the request of members living in the Irish Republic and in Northern Ireland.

Linda Clayton

Linda has been practising as a professional genealogist for more than fifteen years, working in the area of legal and probate research and in 2010, was admitted as a member of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI).

Having attended classes in Irish genealogy at University College, Dublin, she was awarded the Certificate in Genealogy in 1999. Linda served on the organising committee of the 4th Irish Genealogical Congress which was held in Trinity College, Dublin in September 2001.

Since 2000, Linda has been a member of the Ireland Branch committee of the Irish Genealogical Research Society (IGRS) and during that time, has completed two terms as Honorary Secretary. She was elected as a member of the IGRS Council in 2008 and was awarded fellowship of the Society in 2013.
Currently, Linda is serving as the Honorary Secretary of CIGO.

Linda has been practising as a professional genealogist for more than fifteen years, working in the area of legal and probate research and in 2010

Catherine Delaney

Irish Genealogical Research Society

Catherines bio coming soon

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Robert C. Davison, M.A.G.I.

North of Ireland Family History Society

North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS)

The North of Ireland Family History Society is a voluntary not-for-profit organisation encouraging an interest in family history with particular reference to the nine counties in the historic Province of Ulster.

NIFHS exists to provide a public benefit as well as resources and services for its Members. The Society can provide organisations planning events with speakers or a stall with family history research information. In addition it welcomes visitors to its meetings and to its Research Centre. The Society also mounts courses for the general public.

Robert Davidson

Robert Davison is of English origin, but his 'roots' are in Ireland, as his father came from Belfast.

On retirement, Robert moved to the Ards Peninsula in Co. Down and determined to research his Irish ancestors. Through membership of the North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) he was able to acquire the necessary expertise in research. He is currently Chairman of the North Down & Ards Branch of the North of Ireland Family History Society and is a past General Secretary of NIFHS.

Robert was admitted to membership of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI), formerly APGI, in 2003 and researches mainly in Northern Ireland but is also familiar with repositories in Dublin. Like most professional genealogists, much of his time is spent on voluntary work in the family history area. His involvement with CIGO goes back over 15 years and he served as Chairman for 2002-2003. He has served many years as NIFHS representative and is currently CIGO’s Executive Liaison Officer for Northern Ireland.

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He is currently Chairman of the North Down & Ards Branch of the North of Ireland Family History Society and is a past General Secretary of NIFHS.

Colm Cochrane

Certificate Genealogists' Alumni Group

Colm is a founder member of the Certificate Genealogist Alumni Group (CGAG) and is currently its chairman.

He was awarded the U.C.D. certificate in Genealogy in 1999. During first term of office as chairman of CIGO (2005-2006), Colm set as his goal the completing and launching of a new website for CIGO. This he acheived and he was able to announce the website as having 'gone-live' at the 2006 AGM. Since obtaining the U.C.D. certificate in Genealogy he has continued to pursue his interest in general and family history. His particular interest is in aspects of Co. Roscommon genealogy, especially anything relating to the Crofton estate, which is in the south of the county.

His particular interest is in aspects of Co. Roscommon genealogy

John Goodman

Wicklow Genealogy Society

John is a current member of the Wicklow County Genealogy Society and specialises in the research of WW1 soldiers

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John is a current member of the Wicklow County Genealogy Society and specialises in the research of WW1 soldiers

John King

The Irish Ancestry Research Centre

The Irish Ancestry Research Centre is located at 58 O’Connell St, Limerick City.

IARC provides genealogy research for customers and offers an range of courses in family history. They welcome walk-in visitors and groups from all over the world to conduct guided personal research, genealogy workshops and educational programmes, many of which are also offered as online services. Established as private company limited by guarantee, it is a not for profit entity providing independent information on Irish genealogy ancestry.

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It is a not for profit entity providing independent information on Irish genealogy ancestry.

Gerald Griffin

Cork Genealogical Society

Cork Genealogical Society

Cork Genealogical Society came into being at an inaugural meeting on 15th March 1994, when a few enthusiasts promoted the idea and attracted over 50 people to the first meeting. Since then we have met on the second Thursday of each month in at 8pm, with a speaker at each meeting followed by a discussion. Meetings are held in January (AGM), February, March, April, May, September, October, November and December. Membership is on a yearly basis and begins in January.

Gerald Griffin

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Bio on the way....

Lorna Moloney

East Clare Heritage

East Clare Heritage

Lorna Moloney

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Bio on the way....

Steven Smyrl

Irish Genealogical Research Society

Bio on the way....

Noel Jenkins

Irish Family History Society

Irish Family History Society

Noel Jenkins

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Bio on the way....

John Dyer

Raheny Heritage Society

Raheny Heritage Society

Raheny Heritage Society was founded in January 1987 to encourage interest and research into both local and family history. Membership is open to anyone interested in either subject. Non-members are welcome to attend meetings and other society activities.

The society meets regularly and holds exhibitions, outings and lectures on historical and genealogical topics. Over the years the society has assembled a large collection of old photographs and documents relating to Raheny as well as many books and magazines of general historical interest.

Society members are available to give talks to local clubs and schools and to assist those engaged in local history projects and genealogy.

John Dyer

John Dyer is a founder member of CIGO. On the Council he represents the Raheny Heritage Society, an organisation in which he is very active. Since 1998 he has served CIGO as its Hon. Treasurer. He succeeded Maeve Flannery of Wicklow Genealogical Society, who had been CIGO’s first treasurer. John is one of our most conscientious members and has rarely ever missed a meeting. He has also been a long-time member of both the IGRS (Ireland Branch) committee and of the IFHS committee. He served as chairman of CIGO for the year 1997/1998.

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Bio on the way....

Dymphna Reid

Raheny Heritage Society

Raheny Heritage Society

Dymphna Reid

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Bio on the way....

Madeline Bradley

Raheny Heritage Society

Raheny Heritage Society

Madeline Bradley

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Bio on the way....

Paul O’Donnell

Western Family History Association

Western Family History Association

Founded in 1995, the Western Family History Association is a genealogy association based in Galway, Ireland. Home counties of members include Galway, Clare, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo and Leitrim, with some members coming from as far afield as Cork. It is a self-help group for its members and does not carry out research.

The Association typically holds 5 meetings per annum, together with a number of other activities throughout the year. In addition, the Association provides a continually expanding library of genealogical and historical books for members’ usage, which is available monthly.

Our regular meetings are held in Lackagh Parish Centre, Lackagh, Co. Galway.

>Paul O’Donnell

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Bio on the way....