Certificate Genealogists' Alumni Group

Established: 1999
The Certificate Genealogists' Alumni Group (CGAG) was founded in 1999 by the first recipients of University College Dublin's Certificate in Genealogy. The purpose in founding the organisation was to provide a contact point for those who have completed that course. Initially it organised evening meetings three times a year, a mixture of social and lecture content. After a number of years it was decided that it would concentrate on one event per year.

For the last number of years we have organised a social evening before Christmas, with a festive theme, involving lectures, mulled wine and mince pies! Anyone with an interest in Genealogy, or indeed who would like to enjoy a pleasant evening, is welcome to join us on the night.

Anyone who has participated in the Certificate Genealogy Course in UCD is eligible for membership of CGAG. For further information about CGAG and/or its forth coming events please contact the current Chairman, Colm Cochrane, at: jcolmc@eircom.net or at 086-8113119.

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